Accidentally stumbled on HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU and was annoyed to see old Merton still squatting in his corner, still sniping at the chairman, or anyone funny - because Merton is not.

But Angus Deayton is, which is why Merton notoriously burst into tears until lame producers let him cuckoo Deayton out. They believed Merton to be an indispensible wit, based on his poor impersonations of Hancock and the silent film funny men. Though he still has much to learn about being funny and being silent.

The Deayton coup was petty beyond belief. Merton moaned that Deayton's humour was scripted. But all gagsters (including improvs) do some sort of scripting before, or restructure afterwards in the editing suite. Most owe their entire wages to editors.

Next, he sobbed that Deayton's rock and roll lifestyle disqualified him. Unbelievable. Which top stand-up hasn't rocked and rolled a bit until he got Dr Grim Reaper's yellow card? So dull Merton is the BBC comedy Reaper? Shoot me now.

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